Treatment Programs

Sensory Processing:

A child’s response to touch, movement, visual and auditory stimuli as well as taste and smell can impact them in many ways. It can influence behavior, attention, impulse control, postural control and success in motor control and related functional skills. The sensory systems are our basic source of communication with our environment. The tactile or touch (skin) sensory system has many important functions, including providing us with the ability to know what an object is without looking (tactile discrimination) and identifying temperature and pain. Tactile sensation also plays a crucial role in the development of fine motor abilities and overall body awareness. Movement or the vestibular proprioceptive system consists of parts of the inner ear and related central nervous system structures which perceive and interpret changes in head position. It automatically coordinates movements of one’s eyes, head and body. The proprioceptive system provides information related to the muscular and skeletal systems and therefore the position of one’s body. These perceptual systems are essential for the development of body awareness and body and space abilities and in perceiving and adapting movement of the body. Vision consists of both the motor function of the eye as well as perception of visual information. The auditory system consists of hearing, speech and language, the child’s response to sound and their ability to perceive the spoken word and follow directions. Taste and smell consists of the child’s response to the stimulus as well as the impact this may have on functions such as eating and response to environments.

Sensory Touch

Please be sure to ask your therapist about purchasing weighted blankets, listening CDs, Interactive Metronome program, thera-Band, and any of the sensori-motor equipment that will facilitate your child’s treatment and well being.